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We are Hi Hat Marketing

We provide content creation and management to help small and mid-size companies grow and maintain their digital presence, build their digital reputation and attract new clients. But let's go a little deeper into why this marketing strategy is so effective and ultimately is right for you in growing your business.


Why content marketing will grow your business

Consumers who rely on reviews before making a purchase


Source: U.S. Bureau of Statistics


The average consumer forms an opinion after reading 1-3 reviews


70% of prospective clients will travel further to see an attorney with better online reviews.

Why your online reputation matters

It is no surprise that all of us rely on online reviews when making purchasing decisions. After all, Amazon was an early adopter to offer reviews of nearly every product they sell, and today’s consumers wouldn’t dream of purchasing anything without first consulting the review page. It is no different when searching for a professional to handle legal matters, accounting needs, choosing a doctor, or seeking financial advice; for these professionals, online reputation matters.

Almost 73% of consumers rely on reviews that are less than 1 month old. Source:

Our approach is more than wash-rinse-repeat

We do follow a 1-2-3 step process based on a test, learn and improve mindset. We start with rigorous research into your business, your competition, and who your highest potential clients are. From there, we identify the best social channels based on where your potential clients spend their online time. The art is in creating interesting content, supported by eye-catching visuals to attract followers and potential clients. Lastly, we lean into our scientific expertise. We analyze your data, measure the success of your content and qualify the connections being made. We are continually adjusting this process to ensure every post and share is optimized. 

Content marketing is about 65% less expensive than traditional marketing and a thousand times for measurable.
Source: Content Marketing Institute

Success is a combination of things

Having a strong digital presence and consistently posting your expertise, wisdom, and free advice on your social channels will make you more ‘findable’ by improving your ranking through search results. This is organic marketing, and it consistently outperforms paid marketing over and over.

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