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We provide digital content creation and management to help small and mid-size companies grow and maintain their digital presence, build their digital reputation and attract new clients. It's called content marketing, and we are your experts.


Nice to meet you

At Hi Hat Marketing, we know what it takes to stay ahead of the game. Our experienced team incorporates innovative ideas and successful strategies to ensure that our clients get to the top and stay there.

We provide content creation and management to help small and mid-size companies grow and maintain their digital presence, build their digital reputation and attract new clients. 

We are experts when it comes to knowing which social channels your future clients are using today. We know because we do extensive research to determine the right digital mix for you.

Our Services



We help you get your digital house in order. We start by reviewing your website content, social profile pages, including company profiles, and we audit awards and ranking opportunities. We devise a strategy to build an engaging digital presence for you and your company then implement it for you. Now you are ready to go and start building some social equity.


Knowing where you’re going, who you want to reach and what your goals are requires not just planning but writing it all down so that everyone is on the same page. When we all row together we achieve our goals faster, more efficiently and with the biggest impact. 


Now that your digital foundation is complete, we are ready to start building your online thought-leadership and strategically positioning you and your company as the experts your future clients are seeking.


At Hi Hat, we keep a steady pulse on how your inbound marketing is doing—optimizing online performance and leveraging opportunities. We are always looking for that sweet spot of high-value content that attracts the most qualified leads.

Our Team


Shaunmarie Gutbezahl


Building a highly collaborative team and leveraging deep content marketing experience which will elevate branding, position expert reputation, and attract new business for our clients.


Tonia Olson

VP of Operations

A highly collaborative general manager and strategist with a talent for implementing multifaceted initiatives that drive customer loyalty and bottom-line results.


Lisa Bryson

VP of Client Experience

Obsessed with understanding our clients to ensure we create a digital presence for our clients that is authentic and personalized to them and their business.


Laura Mazy

VP of Creative

The branding guru with deep expertise in creative direction, campaign development, editorial content, and digital advertising with a talent for assembling top-level creative teams.

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I have known for years that I needed to take care of my content on our website, and I've wanted to tap into social media as a marketing platform to attract new clients. With minimal meetings required on my part, Hi Hat was able to create my digital profile and recommend the best social channels for my business. They managed posts each month to ensure my website and social sites were always relevant, with interesting content to attract new clients and establish me as the go-to expert. They are the best out-of-house marketing department I've come across.

Pete Viteznik

Partner, Kilmer Voorhees & Laurick P.C.

Hi Hat rocks! We were opening a new store and needed a marketing strategy to introduce the first Grocery Outlet to the area and ongoing marketing to begin engaging customers and building a loyal customer base. Hi Hat delivered, and best of all, they also created and managed the entire marketing plan. Our store is off to a great start, and we couldn’t have done it without Hi Hat.

Stephen and Tamara Tuttle

Owners, Grocery Outlet Tillamook Oregon

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